Spicy Shin Ramen Stir Fry

January 30, 2024

So! This is a thing I made when I was hungry and wanted spicy noodles, but I also needed to use the leftover potatoes, carrots, and onions I had from when I made curry the day before. It was all already cut in the container of my vegtable cutter thing that was a gift. PRO TIP IF YOU HAVE ADHD- GET A CHOPPER IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!!

Anyway, I used Shin Ramen noodles and those leftover vegtables, some oil and a pan to make this. I thought it was fucking delicious and so did my bf. Apparently this is pretty spicy, based on the review I got. I think it's perfect though.

how ya like my half eaten shitty photo? :)




SO, what I did was I put the chopped up onions, potatoes, and carrots in a pan with some oil (oil went in the pan first and I heateded it up) and stir fried it. Meaning I just flipped over the stuff with a spatula so it didn't burn.
I did this on medium low heat bc i'm cautious bc i burn stuff easily. I also like to add salt and pepper to season, but sometimes I forget!
Moving on; I am LAZY. Here we make LAZY FOODS. I made the noodles in the microwave. The one pot was dirty and I was not about to wash a whole ass pot just to cook some instant noodles so wanna know what I did?
I took a glass bowl. I filled it with water. I put the shin instant noodles in. I put it in the microwave for like 5 minutes. Every 2 minutes I checked to see if they were done. Once theyre done I take them out with oven mitts because the bowl is SCORCHING HOT! Then I hold the bowl in one hand and use a fork to hold the noodles in the bowl while I pour as much water out as possible without losing any noodles. Boom. No pot cooked instant noodles. No need to clean a strainer either, and I eat out of the same bowl I cooked the noodles in. MINIMAL DISH WASHING. JUST ONE PAN!
Then, (And mind you I'm cooking the vegtables while doing this noodle BS) I take the Shin Ramen seasoning packet and I cover the noodles in it. Then I mix the seasoning into the noodles. The noodles are still wet and stuff so it mixes in great. Then I take my stir fried (or just normal fried idk) vegtables and I mix it in with my noodles.